Customer MUST Create a FILLER w/1000's# (Team Placeholder) for Green Screen Extreme Teams.  

THIS creates a Data File.  Each TEAM will have their OWN 1000 Number.  Each 1000 number with 

those images will be uploaded to the FTP inside a folder called, 1000, 1001, 1002, etc...

Add Team Placeholder and it opens a screen where it gives you a Team # TfillerF001.jpg (Subject ID)

Click on that Filler and a Data Box will open up.  Type in the Team Name  Do this for each team.

CUSTOMER:   Needs to place their “team”images in a separate folder named after the Placeholder # 

Example: 1001, 1002, 1003 etc..  on their desktop and then upload those Placeholder #'s to the FTP

1001 - "Team Name"

1002 - "Team Name"

1003 - "Team Name"

1004 - "Team Name"

Each folder has the team images


Key in Individual Data – And link kids w/Team Image #