Due to some recent changes you may experience problems connecting to our ftp if you are using our old I.P Address in the host field in Filezilla. To solve this issue the next time you try to connect, change the host field in filezilla to: customerftp.ddlab.net

This should fix the issues connecting, but if you experience any problems after this or need help, please contact customer service.

**Please zip all your files into one file. Name the file your job name and your company name. Once your job finishes upload you will no longer be able to see it on the FTP server.**

FTP Instructions

Please utilize our uploading tool. Click the link above.

Filezilla - the free FTP solution

1.  Go to http://filezilla-project.org/ to download software.  Choose the CLIENT version.  Select the operating system.

2.  Once loaded, go to top of page and enter the IP address, user name and password.

Server: customerftp.ddlab.net
Username: This is your account number (If you do not have an account yet, call 877.898.9330 to set one up.)
Password: The first letter of your first name combined with your last name - all lowercase;  example, jsmith.

3.  Click on "Quick Connect" also at the top of the page.

4.  Your local computer is displayed on the left side of the screen.  Your FTP folder is on the right side of the screen.

5.  Find your files in the browser on the left side and drag the file (or folder) to the right hand window to copy.